Canada’s Biggest Music Festival May Be Cancelled Because Of One Tiny Bird And Its Four Eggs

It’s safe to assume that you are one of the 32 million people in the US who will attend a music festival this year; and I make that assumption on the basis that festivals are currently more popular than ever, with record attendance levels across the globe.

This increased interest in festivals can be attributed to many things. Be it the Coachella effect (the desire to attend a festival simply because it’ll look good on your Instagram feed) or simply because you love music, there is one thing that unites all festivalgoers and that’s the desire to have fun and escape the constraints of daily life.

Of course, there isn’t a price you can put on this kind of fun and as a result, we all spend a small fortune on highly-coveted tickets.

But whilst we are willing to part with our hard earned cash in order to have fun, there are some things which we can’t justify.

Take, for example, Bluesfest – one of Canada’s largest festivals.

The event, held every July in Ottowa, is set to be a musical extravaganza, with an estimated 300,000 people traveling to LeBreton Flats ready for 10 days of solid partying.

Headlining the festival are international stars such as The Foo Fighters, Shawn Mendes, Bryan Adams and Beck. Also playing are Passenger, Hanson and Rise Against.

But whilst it’s guaranteed to be a spectacular musical affair, there are now some doubts as to whether the festival can go ahead after a bird sitting on a nest of four eggs was found on the festival site.

To see what all the fuss is about, watch this video…


The bird in question is a killdeer, a breed which is protected by the Canadian government and cannot be moved without federal permission.

The nest was discovered as organizers began to prepare the site for the festival, which is due to begin on July 5.

“I have to say this is one of the most challenging problems that we’ve been presented with recently,” Bluesfest executive director Mark Monahan explained.

Killdeer eggs can take between 24 and 28 days to hatch, and there is a risk that if the eggs are moved, the mother may abandon them.

When the eggs do hatch, the killdeer chicks will most likely move away from their nest immediately as their parents attempt to find a location safe from predators.

Sadly, killdeer have a very low success rate when it comes to hatching chicks. Roughly 52% to 63% of nests fail to produce any young, due to the fact that both parents are required to be present during the incubation period.

Initially, the nest was surrounded by security tape to stop anyone from interfering with it whilst the authorities made a decision on how to proceed. A security guard was also hired to monitor the special nest.

But now, the nest has been successfully moved after an intricate operation which involved moving the nest a meter at a time.

Wildlife conservation experts were on hand with an incubator to place the eggs into should the parents reject them, but that wasn’t necessary in the end.

A perimeter will be set up around the nest to protect it whilst the festival goes ahead.

It’s certainly a unique predicament; one which will no doubt be challenging the festival organizers! They likely thought that the challenge would be the weather, or the porta potty delivery, little did they know that the present problem would be much more difficult to handle!

The post Canada’s Biggest Music Festival May Be Cancelled Because Of One Tiny Bird And Its Four Eggs appeared first on Viral Thread.

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