Eight Years After Leaving High School, This Girl Got The Ultimate Revenge On Her Bully

High school can be a pretty bleak place if you’re not one of the popular kids.

To those who are bullied on a daily basis, it can feel like a perpetual hell with every fresh day serving a new form of torture.

The relief only comes once you manage to escape into the big wide world – where you then quickly realize that nothing is any different. Bullies will always exist wherever you go, but it is our ability to handle them that changes.

That is something that was perfectly proven by Louisa Manning, a British girl who got the ultimate revenge on her high school bully EIGHT years after they’d graduated.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, eight years seems like an awfully long time to wait for karma to serve something delicious. But for Louisa, the timing couldn’t have been any more perfect…

You see, Louisa suffered in high school. Why? Because she had a monobrow and carried slightly more weight than the average child. Two things which unfortunately attracted the attention of a mean boy in her class.

Sadly, Louisa isn’t the only one to experience bullying. Take, for example, Kiana Smith who was tormented in school because of her birthmark…


Now, at this point, it’s important to note that bullies are also themselves victims. After all, you have to take pity on someone who is so insecure in themselves that they’d chose to publicly humiliate others for self-gratification. I mean, really, how happy can that type of person be?

But anyway, let’s not allow Louisa’s bully to steal the spotlight on this story…

Eight years after graduating Louisa happened to bump into her bully, who was by now a grown man. Of course, there was cause for Louisa to be concerned, he’d tormented her for a large portion of her most vulnerable years. However, their reunion didn’t involve any name calling, instead, the guy did something else – something even more unthinkable…

He asked her out on a date.

Yes, you read that right. He haunted her through high school with his bullying, but he still had the audacity to ask her out when he saw Louisa – who is now, as she was then, a truly stunning girl.

Louisa accepted, but she did so with the full knowledge that she’d never ever go on a date with him. Instead, she had a plan up her sleeve, one that she knew would make him pay for the trauma he inflicted on her all those years ago…

She went to the restaurant that the boy had chosen for their date, except, she went several hours before they were scheduled to meet so that she could hand the waiter a pink envelope containing an explosive slice of karma.

Inside the envelope was a photograph of Louisa, back when she was in school. On the back of the photograph was a message, which read:


So sorry I can’t join you tonight.

Remember Year 8 when I was fat and you made fun of my weight? No? I do. I spent the following three years eating less than an apple a day. So I’ve decided to skip dinner.

“Remember the monobrow you mocked? The hairy legs you were disgusted by? Remember how every day for three years you and your friends called me Manbeast? No, perhaps you don’t or you wouldn’t have seen how I look eight years later and deemed me f*ckable enough to treat me like a human being. 

I thought I’d send you this as a reminder. Next time you think of me, picture the girl in this photos, because she’s the one who just stood you up.”


Now, that’s what you call revenge.

BUT, this is where it gets even better. The guy then responded…

“Hey. For what it’s worth, I was actually here for a chance to meet up to make friends, not because you are very good looking.

I guess I had it coming though, and certainly don’t blame you for standing me up.

“I can’t change who I was eight years ago and I won’t insult your intelligence by pretending that it didn’t happen, but I hope you believe me when I say that I am a completely different person now.

I can only apologize and wish you the very best.

I guess I won’t hear from you again, but I mean it when I say that I hope you have every success you deserve.”

It may be half-hearted and slightly rude from the outset, but there is no denying that this is an apology – one that Louisa truly deserved.

There are, of course, other ways to get revenge on a bully – although they’re not recommended. Take this dad’s approach, for example. When he learned his daughter was being bullied, he took drastic measures…


Hopefully, the guy will have learned his lesson and is telling the truth when he says that he has changed.

Meanwhile, for Louisa, it seems that there is no doubt she will go on to be just fine!

The post Eight Years After Leaving High School, This Girl Got The Ultimate Revenge On Her Bully appeared first on Viral Thread.

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