Woman Destroys Her Brand New $660K Ferrari Just Minutes After Starting The Engine

Nothing screams “I’m rich and I’m not afraid to show it” like sitting behind the wheel of an expensive sports car. I’ve never quite seen the appeal to be honest, as I just use my car to get me from A to B, but for many people, class and social status are measured by horsepower and the number of seconds it takes to reach 70mph.

That’s why so many of us dream about one day driving a Ferrari or Lamborghini. However, the cost to own these cars is so extortionate that few ever do. Occasionally, though, it’s possible to rent one just for a few hours and us sport car fanatics can make our dreams a reality, even if just for a short while.

Unfortunately, one woman’s dream came to a screeching halt after she crashed and destroyed her rental Ferrari 458 only moments after leaving the rental dealership.

The incident took place in Wenling, China and was caught on camera. Watch the horrifying moment for yourself below: [[jwplayerwidget||http://content.jwplatform.com/videos/rMutnTSA-Q0L14jDU.mp4||rMutnTSA]]

You can see the Ferrari spin out of control in slippery conditions on a busy highway. It next careens through a barrier and into oncoming traffic, striking a BMW, which then hits a Nissan Saloon car, resulting in one expensive pileup.

The driving conditions were extremely wet as a result of the rain, making the road surface slippery. Some commenters online wonder whether the driver may have turned the Ferrari’s traction control off, which would explain why it spun out of control so easily.

Luckily no one was seriously injured, but the front end of the Ferrari was completely destroyed and, despite the crash occurring at low speed, both front airbags were deployed. There was also serious damage done to the BMW.

Reportedly, the rental business purchased and imported the Italian sports car for nearly a whopping $660,000. The price tag to fix the damaged Ferrari is estimated to be approximately half of that amount.

But looking at the picture below, I’d just consider it a write off…

The cost of the car alone in the United States, without the import fees, still has an estimated base price of $230,000, which places it as one of the most expensive cars in the world.

It is unclear whether the driver will be forced to fork over some serious cash or whether insurance will cover the repair costs. Let’s hope she purchased all of the optional insurance plans.

Sadly, just before the crash, the female driver recorded a brief video clip of herself in the car saying how amazing it felt to be behind the wheel of a Ferrari. It appears as though she filmed the clip, which focuses on the sports car’s dashboard, from her phone while waiting at the traffic light.

She can be heard saying, “First time driving a Ferrari. This truly is the most amazing feeling.” Unfortunately, that feeling would be short-lived as the clip was filmed moments before she spun out of control, destroying the car.

Onlookers crowded around to survey the damage, which was quite extensive. Considering the speeds that a Ferarri 458 is capable of, it’s lucky that the crash happened while accelerating from a traffic light and still at a low speed, or the accident could have been much worse – even fatal.

While this woman’s dream car experience may not have gone according to plan, perhaps her story will provide others with some advice: If you’re looking to rent a high-performance luxury sports car, be sure to do so when the weather is fair. Or at the very least, make sure the traction control is switched on.

The post Woman Destroys Her Brand New $660K Ferrari Just Minutes After Starting The Engine appeared first on Viral Thread.

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