The Royal Family Is Preparing For Its First Gay Wedding

Even in the modern world, the Royal Family’s lives are bound by centuries-old traditions. Almost every aspect of their existence is dictated to them – from the clothes they can wear, their opinions on current events (or lack thereof), and perhaps most significantly, who they can marry.

The latter is especially true of senior royals, and the most prominent example of this came in the 1930s when King Edward VIII was forced abdicate the throne to marry divorced American socialite Wallace Simpson, as her status as a divorcee made their union unacceptable by royal standards.

This abdication went on to change the course of history, causing Edward’s younger brother, George VI, to take his place and subsequently putting Elizabeth II in direct line to the throne despite the fact that at the time of her birth in 1926 no one ever expected her to become queen.

During the early part of Elizabeth’s reign, tradition also forced her to make some extremely difficult decisions when it came to marriage, forcing her to prevent the union of her younger sister Margret and the divorced Peter Townsend in 1953, as was recently dramatized in The Crown.

In the twenty-first century, however, the traditions which had once broken the hearts of royals were lapsed when it came to marriage, and this led to the future king Prince Charles marrying the love of his life, Camilla Parker Bowles, then a divorcée, in 2005.

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