Game Of Thrones Star Tells Fans To “Expect The Unexpected” In Tragic Finale

Every summer, Game of Thrones fans eagerly anticipate their annual return to Westeros, but this year is different. While we might have been treated to the show every summer since 2011, there will be no season in 2018 ahead of the show’s glorious and no doubt bloody finale.

As a result, fans are contenting themselves with wondering exactly how the medieval fantasy drama will be brought to a close next year.

To see how things might go down, check out this fan-made trailer for season eight:


After all, the stakes at the end of last year’s season were high. The previously warring Seven Kingdoms of Westeros had put their differences to one side (with the exception, of course, of Cerci Lannister) after Jon Snow revealed to them that the real war was not against each other, but rather the living and the dead. And with one of Dany’s dragons now in tow, the Night King was looking pretty unstoppable.

So far, the most convincing evidence about what will go down in the final season has come from leaked photographs of the Game of Thrones set – one of which showed the kingdom of Winterfell in flames, suggesting that one of its most iconic locations was going to get destroyed.

“Big night of filming for #GOT8 tonight 26/1 at the Winterfell Set Moneyglass N.Ireland 200+ extras in a big battle scene,” wrote Twitter user Oakleaf Photography alongside a series of pictures. “This was awesome to see tonight.”

Commenting on what this might mean, another Twitter user, Martuka, wrote, “Thanks for sharing. Obviously, the King of the Night and his army are visiting that place… #GOT #GameOfThrones.”

The post Game Of Thrones Star Tells Fans To “Expect The Unexpected” In Tragic Finale appeared first on Viral Thread.

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