Doctors Left Amazed After Squid “Impregnates” Woman’s Tongue

Sometimes I forget how weird this world can be. That is, until a story like this surfaces, and only then do I begin to feel uncomfortable with the space I inhabit.

Can you really blame me? We live in a world where coconut crabs and Donald Trump exist.

Although both of those things are pretty terrifying, there are more disturbing things on this planet – and I am not talking about the monsters who bite into a whole KitKat rather than consuming it finger by finger (although they are certainly a good example of what’s wrong with this world).

No, I am talking about the story of a 63-year-old Korean woman, who is claiming that a squid tried to “get her tongue pregnant”. Yes, you read that right.

If you were planning to have sushi for lunch, it may be time to re-think your plans…

The post Doctors Left Amazed After Squid “Impregnates” Woman’s Tongue appeared first on Viral Thread.

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