04 Jun Couple Prank Boyfriend’s Entire Family With “Pregnancy”, Then Reveal The Hilarious Truth
Once you enter a marriage or long-term relationship, it’s natural after a few years for people to start asking when you’re going to start having kids. This doesn’t mean you have to have any, of course, and one couple found the perfect way to likely stop everyone from asking them ever again.
Sheridan and Andy have been together for two years, and considering they’re both still in their early twenties, neither is personally feeling the pressure to have a child yet. However, on Mother’s Day, the pair cooked up a fabulous prank that had everyone thinking they were expecting.
Sheridan explained to Unilad how she had always been skinny and had the ability to pop her stomach out, basically making a ‘food baby’. She explained:
“I was telling Andy that I could still do that and I was messing around poking it out and rubbing my tummy in the car and he asked to take a picture. Andy only posted it on Snapchat, with my permission of course, cause I looked pretty plump lol!”
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