02 May Facebook Announce They’re Now Taking On Tinder By Launching Their Own Dating App
Online dating has forever changed how couples meet. Since the dawn of the internet, couples have been coming together in droves, and this number has only increased with the invention of dating specific services like Tinder and OkCupid.
While most of us know at least one couple who met on Facebook, until now, the social network has not dabbled in the world of online dating. But that’s all about to change with the launch of its new app, appropriately dubbed “Dating”.
To learn more about how Facebook’s dating app will work, check out the video below:
The announcement was made at Facebook’s annual development conference in San Fransisco yesterday.
When revealing the company’s plans to making a dating app, Zuckerberg stressed that users’ privacy would be of their utmost concern and that no one would be matched with people they are already friends with.
Using the information on a person’s Facebook profile – such as their likes and interests – the app will match singletons with other people, presumably within the same city, and, if applicable, who they already share mutual friends with.
The app would also connect people who added events that they were attending to their dating profiles.
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