Woman Who Wanted To Be So Fat She Couldn’t Move Sheds 200 lbs In 10 Weeks After Learning She’s Pregnant

We all have dreams and goals that we hope to achieve in our lifetime – some of which are more achievable than others. It’s an unspoken rule that you never judge somebody for their innermost desires. After all, everybody is different.

However, when Monica Riley announced her plans to become the world’s fattest woman, people couldn’t refrain from offering their opinion on her unconventional lifestyle choice which saw her gorge on a whopping 10,000 calories a day.

Check out the video below to learn more about Riley’s shocking story:


Aided by her husband, the 29-year-old was consuming a mammoth amount of food in order to become so big that she couldn’t move. Guzzling 3,500 calories worth of milkshakes every day, via a funnel inserted into her mouth by her husband Sid, Riley was swelling to a worrying size.

Whilst most women her age were beginning to think about starting a family, Riley was bulging for a different reason. However, this didn’t concern the Texas-native who’d all but given up on her plans to become a mother after suffering two miscarriages.

Diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), an incurable hormonal disorder, Riley thought it wasn’t possible for her to conceive.

Instead, Riley chose to focus her energy on becoming the world’s fattest woman. Fed regularly by her husband, her heart was set on becoming completely immobile.

Explaining this peculiar desire, she told BarcroftTV: “What attracts me to being immobile is you get to be like a queen.”

However, her plans dramatically changed when Riley received the news that she was pregnant. Having never thought she’d get the chance to be a mom, Riley decided to turn her life around so that she could deliver a healthy, happy baby.

Over the following 10 weeks, Riley lost a staggering 200lbs by choosing a healthier lifestyle. Her weight dropped from 700lbs to 520lbs on the day that she was taken to hospital with extremely high blood pressure seven weeks before her due date.

Due to her condition, doctors kept her under a watchful eye. Then baby Michelle appeared, seven weeks earlier than expected.

Extremely premature, Michelle was born with three holes in her heart. Doctors warned Riley that she may require surgery to close them, but thankfully they healed naturally so no severe medical intervention was required.

With Michelle in her life, Riley has had something new to focus her attention and energy on, and, as a result, she’s continued to lose weight. Now at 450lbs, she is the healthiest she has been for a long time.

“Looking back, I think the reason why I did want to get, you know, fatter was I guess I felt like I was missing something in my life,” she told BarcroftTV. “And I guess that was one of the ways to fill that void. But then I, you know, realized I want to have a family. That’s what I wanted to do with my life.”

“When I look back at when I was eating like, just junk food and fast food every day, I don’t regret it at all,” Riley explained. “I don’t think I would ever do it again. I know what it did to me, and you know, I’m not for that lifestyle anymore.”

“I think Michelle did save my life… Michelle played a huge part in me losing weight and still continuing to lose weight and now, you know, wanting to get some kind of weight loss surgery to further help me.”

“The only thing that’s putting me off about surgery is, you know, I don’t want to get that skinny. I still like being chubby. I like it. It’s just comfortable for me, you know, being the chubby girl or the fat girl.”

“I just want to be healthy so I can be around for her when she is older. You know, I want to see her go to kindergarten and then, you know, graduate high school. Stuff like that.”

Now Riley’s new goal is a complete contrast to what she once wanted, she hopes to lose weight and be very active and mobile so that she can be involved in Michelle’s life as much as possible.

We wish her all the best on her journey!

The post Woman Who Wanted To Be So Fat She Couldn’t Move Sheds 200 lbs In 10 Weeks After Learning She’s Pregnant appeared first on Viral Thread.

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