When This Homeless Man Handed A Woman A Piece Of Paper, She Discovered His True Identity

Homelessness is an epidemic in the modern world. The rich/poor divide is growing with every passing day, and as a result, many talented and potentially valuable members of society find themselves without a roof over their heads and hope for the future.

In the US alone, 553,742 people found themselves homeless on one night in 2017 – a reflection of the fact that the average hourly wage has barely increased in decades. However, some homeless people do get lucky, and Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho was one of them.

To see how Raimundo’s true identity changed his life, check out the video below:


For homeless people, it’s easy to give up on life, but Raimundo never stopped hoping that one day his life would change. It was his hope which gave him an extraordinary purpose and a whole new identity which he believed would never see the light of day. Or so he thought.

One fateful day in 2011, a woman named Shalla Monteiro decided to speak to him, and he gave her a piece of paper. She subsequently discovered who he really was and decided to share his story on Facebook and the rest, as they say, is history.

This simple piece of paper not only led to his long-lost brother getting in touch and him finally getting off the streets after 35 years but him gaining thousands of fans around the world. So who exactly is he?!


Well, Raimudo is someone extraordinary, and the video above poignantly explains everything you need to know about him.

In fact, he’s even got his own Wikipedia page!

Raimundo’s story is a testament to the fact that you should never give up in life. You never know who you will meet, or how they could change your life forever in the most unexpected way by simply realising your true identity.

The post When This Homeless Man Handed A Woman A Piece Of Paper, She Discovered His True Identity appeared first on Viral Thread.

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