Psychic’s Alarming Prediction For World Domination By Vladimir Putin Has Been Unearthed

As tensions between Russia and Western nations continue to rise, Syria’s horrific seven-year civil war has almost become a stage for the world powers to show off their advanced arms and weaponry and military abilities.

Last Saturday, the US, UK, and France launched strikes against specific targets in three sites in Syria. This occurred after a week of warnings that the world powers would retaliate following an illegal chemical attack on civilians in Douma, a rebel enclave.

Learn more about how it all unfolded:


“I ordered the United States armed forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapon capabilities of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad,” Trump said announced at the White House.

Air strikes from these three nations obliterated a Syrian chemical weapons factory, prompting Donald Trump and Theresa May to declare it as a “Mission Accomplished” and a necessary move as far as restoring peace in the Middle Eastern nation goes.

Unfortunately, the move has also served to provoke Russia, and more specifically, Vladimir Putin.

According to a statement which was released by the Kremlin: “Vladimir Putin, in particular, stressed that if such actions committed in violation of the U.N. Charter continue, then it will inevitably lead to chaos in international relations.”

Of course, the idea of creating “chaos” where international relations with Russia is concerned is something that the world powers want to avoid as far as possible.

However, according to one alleged psychic from Bulgaria, this won’t be possible. Her name is Baba Vanga and she is known as “The Nostradamus of the Balkans”.

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