The 12 Signs Of Cancer Most Women Are Too Quick To Ignore

For centuries, women have been known to put everyone else before themselves, so when they find they aren’t feeling their best, often those feelings can be ignored. Unfortunately, these symptoms shouldn’t be swept under the rug because they could be warning signs of much bigger problems.

Check out the list below to discover the top 12 warning signs of cancer that women often ignore. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of them, then it’s best to seek medical advice. It’s important to catch cancer in its early stages. It might just save your life.

1. Changes In The Breasts

In many cases, a lump on the breast doesn’t always equate to cancer. But if you do notice a lump on your breast, always consult your doctor.

In addition, if you notice any nipple discharge, nipples turning inward, or any redness or scaling of your nipple, then make sure you make an appointment with your doctor.

Many of these check-ups are not required for all women, but it is recommended that woman over the age of 40 do have an annual mammogram. If you’ve never had one before, then please watch the video below. It will give you an idea of what to expect and walk you through the simple procedure:


2. Changes In The Nails

A small brown verticle stripe on one of your fingernails or toenails could be a sign of melanoma. It’s a myth that skin cancer only occurs in exposed areas, so don’t neglect to check your fingernails for skin underneath that may appear out of the ordinary.

3. Bloating

Everyone experiences bloating from time to time. It could simply mean you’ve got to cut back on the burritos and fizzy soda, but if you’re also experiencing weight loss or bleeding, then it’s time to check something more serious isn’t going on.

Constant or frequent bloating can be a sign of colon cancer, ovarian cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, or even pancreatic cancer.

4. Bleeding Between Periods

If you’re spotting between your periods, there are multiple reasons this could be happening. However, it’s best to tell your doctor as he will want to rule out the possibility of endometrial cancer.

What if you’re seeing blood somewhere else…?

The post The 12 Signs Of Cancer Most Women Are Too Quick To Ignore appeared first on Viral Thread.

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