Drunk Driver Crashes Into 7-Eleven Store, Narrowly Missing Customer

Have you ever experienced a moment where your whole life flashes before your eyes? For centuries, a near-death experience has been a great story to tell after a few pints at the pub. For our ancestors, it was tall tales of how they battled bears in caves, our grandparents have stories of close calls during the war, whilst our parents have ridiculous stories of modern day technology taking revenge.

Of course, in this modern world times have changed. We no longer need to rely on our storytelling skills, because everything is caught on camera.

For one woman in Lawrence, Massachusetts, it is a good job that video evidence exists of her close shave because without it it’s hard to believe it happened.

In fact, without the surveillance footage from this 7-eleven store, the woman wouldn’t have known just how close the end came for her that day after a drunk driver plowed through the store.

If you don’t believe in miracles, you will after watching this video…


The footage shows Julia Cruz casually talking to the store clerk as he packs her shopping, completely oblivious to the impending horror that awaits.

Standing by the door, she is in the direct path of 31-year-old Tavares Mora’s out of control car, which plows through the storefront missing Cruz by mere inches.

Mora was charged with drink driving on Sunday, to which he pleaded not guilty. Whilst Cruz manages to narrowly escape a violent end, she later learned that her friend was seriously injured during the incident.

Let this be a reminder to you that driving whilst under the influence is never a smart decision!

The post Drunk Driver Crashes Into 7-Eleven Store, Narrowly Missing Customer appeared first on Viral Thread.

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