Excruciating Video Shows F1 Driver Kimi Räikkönen Running Over Crew Member’s Leg

Car accidents are a very unfortunate part of life. They happen on a daily basis in all corners of the world, and they often have a pretty devastating impact on people’s lives.

But just imagine being caught up in an accident where the vehicle in question was an F1 Ferrari, being driven by an F1 champion…

A disturbing clip featuring an F1 vehicle accident has been shared all over the internet:


So what happened? Well, F1 driver, Kimi Räikkönen, pulled into a pit lane and his team tried to get his car back up and running as quickly as possible so he could go back into the field.

Räikkönen was given the go-ahead to drive off from the pit box, however, only three of the wheels had actually been fully replaced.

The 38-year-old Ferrari driver’s rear-left tire was still being attended to by mechanic, Francesco Cigorini.

Of course, Räikkönen was totally unaware of this so he stepped on the accelerator as soon as he was given the green light.

The excruciating clip shows how he then ran over Cigorini’s left leg, twisting it at a very painful angle in the process.

The injury was so severe that a stretcher had to be brought in for Cigorini, and, according to Ferrari’s official Twitter page, he was taken to hospital for further treatment.

Cigorini had no choice but to withdraw from the race after the accident, watching as his teammate, Sebastian Vettel, secured the second victory of the season.

Räikkönen has since released a statement, saying: “I don’t know what happened. For sure, it’s not great for him. I go when the light is green. I don’t see what happens behind and unfortunately, he got hurt. My job is to go when the light says so. Hopefully, he’s OK.”

Sebastian Vettel, who ultimately won the Bahrain GP, added: “I’m a bit sad as I think in the pit-stop with Kimi one of our mechanics got injured, so send him my best regards. It’s a mixed day.”

It was a very unfortunate incident, to say the least. We can only express our regards to Cigorini and hope he recovers well from this accident.

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