20 Jun Meet the Creator of Multi-Million Dollar Apps Nicknamed the ‘Next Mark Zuckerberg’
In a world of dizzying technological advancement, it is not hard to feel like a doddering old fool, even in one’s mid twenties.
Perhaps it is due to the sheer amount of new technology that is being developed and refined on what seems like a daily basis, or maybe it is my own ineptitude with touch pads, but it is close to impossible to keep abreast of each new startling advancement, coming as they do with such regularity.
Becoming a creator of such technology would also seem the most effective and surefire way of making money in this modern world of apps and 3D printing. Being at the forefront of such advancements proves itself a lucrative pursuit time and again; one need only examine the dizzying sums of money that have been offered to the creators of apps like Snapchat to know that there is a serious amount of money to be made from a successful venture.
Ben Pasternak knows this better than most of us.
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