Body Cam Footage Shows Shocking Moment Cop Brutally Beats Black Jaywalker

As technology has advanced over the years, human behavior has dramatically changed. Of course, we have become hugely dependent on our smartphones, computers and gaming consoles, but deeper than that our basic primal instincts have adapted.

With camera-equipped smartphones, surveillance cameras, body cameras and dash-cams covering practically every inch of the world, we are never free from the intense glare of a camera lens. As a result, the human race has refined itself to be picture perfect at every moment. This includes those who work in professions which have historically had a reputation for being heavy-handed.

For example, a majority of cops around the world are now issued with a body camera as standard. The same goes for bodyguards and bouncers, who are automatically put in danger as a direct result of their careers.

Whilst these cameras are won in an attempt to protect the wearer from persecution should a criminal case be presented, there have been many instances in which the cameras have provided hugely damaging evidence against the wearer.

For example, in August 2017, the unnecessarily brutal arrest of Johnnie Rush in Asheville, North Carolina was caught on camera.

What the footage shows is chilling (WARNING: some viewers may find the footage disturbing)…


Rush was arrested for jaywalking whilst on his way home from work. Evidently exhausted and frustrated at having been harassed by the cops, Rush becomes argumentative. Verbally he makes it clear to the officers that he is upset by the situation. But before his complaint can be heard, one of the officers launches an attack.

Rush was tasered, beaten and verbally abused by officer Christopher Hickman. In fact, the incident was so brutal that Rush was left with a bloody face which required medical review at the scene.

The footage has since sparked an investigation which resulted in the arrest of 31-year-old Hickman who was charged with assault by strangulation and misdemeanor counts of assault and communicating threats. The case continues.

But for now, what do you think? Did Hickman use unnecessary force? Or was he perfectly justified?

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