04 Apr Footage Emerges Of NJ Cops Searching Man’s Butt And Genitals Roadside For Drugs
It’s no secret that some people have gotten very creative when it comes to concealing drugs on their person. Whether it’s been a case of taping them to the inside of their shoe, or, for more adventurous smugglers, inside their anuses or genitalia. A man even tried to hide drugs in a plaster cast on his leg!
However, just because some people are willing to go to extreme lengths to hide drugs, it doesn’t mean that every suspected smuggler should be ruthlessly searched, especially if this search involves intimate parts of their body.
Unfortunately for one man in New Jersey, the two cops who stopped him alongside a Burlington County Road were convinced that he had decided to creatively hide marijuana on his person and were determined to bust him – there and then.
This involved searching his genitals and anus after they believed that he smelled like marijuana when they stopped him for tailgating. Although the man reportedly smelled like the drug, his car did not and there was no evidence of it inside the vehicle.
The cops, however, were convinced that they were about to bust him not only for tailgating but the possession of an illegal substance and decided to search him, much to the horror of the man who immediately said, “You better hope this is legal.”
As the cops groped his body, he added, “You guys are really ridiculous. You might as well ask me on a f*cking date.”
“He’s raping me!” the man soon exclaimed, unable to deal with the searching any longer.
After the cops’ extensive search, they found no evidence of marijuana and simply charged the man for tailgating before letting him go.
The shocking incident was captured on the bodycam of one of the officers. Watch it below:
“It was the most humiliating experience I’ve ever been through, also due to the fact people were driving by very slowley [sic], watching him with his hand down my pants,” the driver, who was later identified as Jack Levine, said.
The shocking footage above was first published by open government advocate John Paff.
When reviewing the footage in court, Levine realized that his rights had been violated by both of the cops at the scene. He is now in a position to file a federal claim against them. New Jersey Police are currently in the process of preparing a statement about the incident.
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