People Reveal Their Best April Fool’s Day Pranks Just In Time To Inspire You

Every year, we make a vow to be the very best versions of ourselves, to stop being so naive and not let anyone get in our way! However, on April Fool’s Day, we seem to forget about these self-made promises and we simply revert back to gullible kids again become the victims of other people’s wicked ingenuity.

This year, don’t let that be the case. Catch out your cheeky colleagues as they try to plaster your entire desk in post-it notes, stitch up your friends before they can edit your Tinder profile and serve up a slice of piping hot revenge for your family members who have meddled with your food every April 1. It’s time to get even.

Need some inspiration? Here are the BEST April Fool’s Day pranks from the not-so-kind people of Reddit:

1. I eggspect this went down well

“Create a craigslist ad for ‘free chickens’. Create something along the lines of ‘had a storm and the coop was destroyed, chickens need a home blah blah’. List a coworker/friend’s name and cell phone number. Wait for ensuing chaos on said phone.” – @GimmedatPewPew

2. When pranks come true

“I called my mom on April fool’s and told her my girlfriend was pregnant. I laughed pretty hard, then she had a kid 8 months later. No joke.” – @Jaxx6911

3. Delivery driver drama

“My friends and I once called for pizza and when the guy showed up we had all the lights off and we were all wearing ski masks. My buddy answered the door and paid the guy real nonchalantly while me and the others walked around behind him with lamps and shit acting like we were robbing the place. Laughs were had by all.” – @nate92

The post People Reveal Their Best April Fool’s Day Pranks Just In Time To Inspire You appeared first on Viral Thread.

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