Teenager Wins $1,000 Every Week FOR LIFE After Buying Her Very First Lottery Ticket

Everybody dreams of the day in which they win the lottery. It’s the vision of ourselves literally being showered with cash, rolling in gold and sipping champagne that keeps us buying a ticket every week. But as they say, you’ve got to be in it to win it.

But whilst most of us cling on to the idea that one day our bank accounts will be worshipped by the lottery gods, there are only a few people that get blessed.

This may be the luckiest win in lottery history:


One of those people is Charlie Lagarde from Quebec, Canada, who became a millionaire overnight after buying a lottery ticket to celebrate her 18th birthday on March 14.

The student complimented her lottery ticket with a bottle of champagne to celebrate her coming of age. Little did she know that her life was about to dramatically change.

Scratching away at the ticket, Charlie was shocked to see the symbols start to match. It wasn’t until she finished itching away at the card that she realized she’d hit the C$1,000,000 jackpot.

The post Teenager Wins $1,000 Every Week FOR LIFE After Buying Her Very First Lottery Ticket appeared first on Viral Thread.

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