05 Aug 9 Hilarious Tweets That All Women Can Relate To
I think women are the best thing that ever happened to Twitter. The guys are alright but when it comes to being funny, women always win. I may or may not be biased but hey, read the following tweets and see for yourself. You might even be able to relate to some of them.
1. The funny thing about body positivity…
Isn’t it funny how women can can be lauded for saying nice things about women but women can be seen as conceited for saying those same things about themselves? Very funny indeed.
2. Ooooh… Burn!
This one was a low blow, I think. Still funny though.
3. The ultimate betrayal…
Ah the transformative power of a good beard… And the disappointment when this super power is lost to a razor… So much pain.
4. The joy you feel when your body parts are back in vogue…
I really wonder what the nice folks at the New York Post thought we were doing with our boobs during those dark times when they weren’t “in”. Put them in storage, perhaps?
5. When menses > The Mooch
This one pretty much speaks for itself. I think I blinked and the man was gone?
The post 9 Hilarious Tweets That All Women Can Relate To appeared first on Viral Thread.
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