25 Jul 50-Year-Old Asian Photographer Shocks World With His Youthful Appearance
We all pray and hope for a youthful appearance when we get older. But a combination of late nights, unhealthy eating and alcohol – oh, and that pesky little thing called time – always gets the better of us. Most of us, anyway.
Ladies and gentleman, introducing Chuando Tan, the Singaporean photographer who is looking fine at the grand age of 50 years old.
Yes, that’s right. You didn’t misread. I said 50. Five-zero. Half a century. You know, the age that most of us have a few wrinkles, strands of grey hair, some bags under the eyes. But not Chuando. The co-owner of photography firm, ChuanDo & Frey, looks phenomenal at 50, and it will come as no surprise to hear that he was once one of Singapore’s most popular models back in the late 80s and early 90s (even having a short career as a Mandarin pop singer) before discovering his passion for photography. Feel free to look through these pictures, basking in the half centenarian’s beauty and wondering what the hell you’re doing wrong.
1. Meet Chuando Tan
2. You’d think I was lying if I told you he is 50 years old
3. But believe me, it’s the God’s honest truth
4. Chuando has the body of a 20-year-old…
5. And seems to be getting younger every day
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