33 Tweets About Parenting That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

The most magical thing about Twitter, without a doubt, is its ability to allow everyone to share those innermost random thoughts they have during the day. Reading these (often embarrassing or shameful) thoughts makes us feel a little less alone in the world, finding comfort in the fact that there’s somebody else out there who knows exactly how we feel. This may be most comforting for parents, who often have these thoughts while alone with a bunch of three-year-olds, and don’t have any adults to tell them to.

Back in the days of old, parents (especially stay-at-home parents) had to keep all these thoughts and frustrations bottled up inside. This typically lead to an outburst when their spouse arrived home from work, as they were probably the first adult they had seen all day. These outbursts lead to fights, fights which could be avoided if the parent had access to an emotional outlet during the day.

Yes, we are saying that Twitter has singlehandedly saved the modern day marriage. Is that a stretch? Ok, probably, but there’s at least a little bit of truth to it. Most of all, it means that parents who feel that they’re on the brink of insanity can find comfort on the internet, and maybe have a few moments of laughter before having to try to get sharpie stains out of the couch. From tweets about hilarious things kids say, to tweets about the often sad reality that is parenthood, these are the 33 best tweets about parenting this year thus far:

1. An unsung hero

2. “Oh, they’re at the bottom of a trash heap, sweetie!”

3. Should I even bother trying to stop it?

4. Screens are a parents best friend

5. That makes sense

The post 33 Tweets About Parenting That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud appeared first on Viral Thread.

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