17 Jul 30 Panorama Shots That Failed So Badly, They’re Actually Quite Terrifying
The introduction of the panorama feature on smartphones was a glorious day for photographers who wanted to capture gorgeous horizons that stretched wider than the human eye can see. With its invention came many professional-grade photographs that managed to capture the wide span of any scene in a way phones never could before. However, unfortunately for the amateurs, the panoramic feature proved quite difficult to manage.
You all know what I’m talking about. You’re taking in the beauty of a scenic view and as you’re snapping pics, you decided to get all fancy and take a panoramic picture. It starts off fine, until your phone tells you to “slow down”, and you start to panic a little. You can see that it’s starting to get glitchy, and eventually you realize that you haven’t breathed in 40 seconds, and you’re on the brink of fainting. You get through it, and you look at your masterpiece in the hopes that your wobbles along the way didn’t ruin it. Well, surprise! They did, and your picture looks like someone placed an open photoshop document in front of a 4-year-old.
And all of that doesn’t even take into account the biggest ruiner of panoramic pictures besides your shaky hand: the subjects of the photo. Did your friend move 2 inches to the left? Well now they look like a sumo-wrestler. Did your dog walk into frame? Well now the main focus of this image is going to be an extremely long-bodied demon animal in the corner. It’s a really hard game to win, guys. But don’t worry you’re not alone, so sit back, relax, and enjoy 30 of the best panorama fails ever taken:
1. “Baby” and “Human Centipede” should never occur in the same thought
2. This lady become her own selfie stick
3. His face seems concerned too
4. This guy’s dog became Fluffy from Harry Potter
5. When your cat walks through the shot
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