25 Things That Are Satisfyingly Close To Being Just Perfect

Some people spend their whole lives in pursuit of perfection. Others say it doesn’t exist. Clearly, these people have never seen any of the following images, which prove that perfect is possible and is, in fact, happening every day in front of our very own eyes.

Sometimes life can be so hectic that there is no time to stop and appreciate the beauty going on around you. So, luckily we have condensed all of the most stunning images in existence for you to comfortably browse.

Warning: you may experience goosebumps of extreme pleasure upon seeing the following images!

1. Pocket sized perfection

It is important to remember to put fuel in your car. Whether that comes in the form of petrol, diesel, gas, or..a Snickers?!

2. Seamlessly satisfying

If you attempted to challenge this little contraption to a game of hide and seek, you’d almost certainly lose!

3. The grilled cheese squeeze

This design is certainly satisfying, but there is one problem: it requires you to be patient in presenting your grilled cheese sandwich. Most greedy (and normal) people will have devoured them before they even come into contact with the plate.

4. Satisfying security

This video would be the most satisfying in existence, if it wasn’t for the fact that one of the iPhones is showing a different time to the rest. Now, it is impossibly infuriating!

The post 25 Things That Are Satisfyingly Close To Being Just Perfect appeared first on Viral Thread.

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