17 Aug 23 Sidesplittingly Hilarious Tweets About The ‘Unite The Right’ Racists And Their Tiki Torches
It’s been almost a week since violent and deadly clashes took place between white nationalists and counter-protesters at the Charlottesville’s “Unite the Right” rally. During the rally, peaceful counter-protester Heather Heyer was tragically killed after a man drove into a crowd of anti-racism protesters. It was a tragic event that shocked the world, creating a dismal atmosphere that’s not been seen since the dawn of the Nazis in post-Weimar Germany.
However, as with any tragic event, humor provided the world with comfort. No one likes to turn on the news and see people with wildly different ideologies getting into altercations with each other, especially if it results in the loss of innocent lives. All the Unite the Right rally achieved was showing the world how how pathetic white nationalists really are and that’s something Twitter latched onto, providing the world with some light comic relief in what is a dark time.
So, without further ado, here’s are the very best tweets about the Unite the Right rally and the morons behind it…
1. This woman gets it so right: mosquitoes are the real enemy…
2. The white nationalists thought they were imposing and intimidating but really…
3. Let’s face it, their daughters were probably going crazy over Moana when it came out…
4. If you’re dedicated enough to the cause of white nationalism to purchase a tiki torch, you’re a Neo-Nazi…
5. Even these impressively constructed punctuation men look more intimidating than white nationalists…
This next hilarious tweeter may just have neglected to realize the obvious: Nazis are undoubtedly selfish lovers. Just ask Eva Braun…
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