22 People Who Had Just One Job And Managed To Royally Screw It Up

When you try to do something for the very first time, it’s extremely easy to screw it up. And that’s totally understandable because when we’ve had little practice or exposure to whatever it is we’re attempting to do, we haven’t quite learned how to get around some of the trickier aspects of the task.

However, when you’ve been employed in a particular industry for a while, you’d think you’d be able to carry out a simple task without making a total mockery of yourself. Especially if that’s literally the only job you had to do!

Here are 22 people who had just one job and couldn’t even do that right…

1. They spent hours on this photoshoot purely for the sake of making a cabinet

And then some idiot goes and messes it all up!

2. You’d appreciate that on a hot day

It’s still pretty unforgivable though.

3. This can’t have been an accident

I think someone must have recognized the number plate…

4. How did they manage to get it so wrong?

I’m sure it can’t be an easy job fixing two halves of a bridge together, but my god…

While plenty of things can go wrong when you’re carrying out a complex task, how anyone could mess something up on this scale is beyond me…

The post 22 People Who Had Just One Job And Managed To Royally Screw It Up appeared first on Viral Thread.

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