21 Insanely Insensitive Social Media Updates Posted Moments After Disaster

There is a time and a place for your sexy selfie, and it definitely isn’t mere minutes after a global disaster. Most people with a functioning moral compass are aware of this. However, it would appear that there is a shocking quantity of people on this planet who have absolutely no idea how to approach a sensitive subject.

Naturally, when something awful happens, we want to share our sympathies with the world – or, just those few hundred people that follow us. The issue is that we often miss the mark by not fully appreciating the magnitude of the situation.

From terror attacks to funerals, social media has become saturated with selfies taken at incredibly insensitive moments. Quickly empathy is replaced by vanity, something that these shocking social media updates will illustrate. What were these people thinking?

1. #PrayingForGoodLighting

In the wake of a terror attack, a selfie is never sufficient. When words are difficult to find, it’s better to simply say nothing. So put your clothes back on and dig deep for some loose pennies that you can donate to a worthy victim support charity instead.

2. A very serious selfie

Taking a mirror selfie is an unforgivable offence in 2017. However, the shame of a mirror selfie in this instance is eclipsed by the fact that this woman is taking a picture of herself on the day of her own mother’s funeral.

3. The show must go on

Luckily, Robin Williams was a true comedian. Therefore, we know he would have seen the amusing side in this tactless Facebook post.

4. Suicide and the selfie

The word ‘devastated’ loses some of its potency when accompanied with a selfie…

5. She must have hit her head pretty bad

Thankfully, this woman appears to be okay despite her brush with a car. Although, we suspect that she must have sustained some mild concussion to make her think this Facebook post was appropriate.

6. In loving memory…

We hope the “RIH” stands for “Rest in Heaven,” and not the other place that people go to once they die…

The post 21 Insanely Insensitive Social Media Updates Posted Moments After Disaster appeared first on Viral Thread.

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