24 Oct 21 Everyday Objects That Are Grade-A Dopplegangers’ In Disguise
Have you ever looked at a cloud and seen a little fluffy bunny? Or an apple? Or a tennis racket?
As bizarre as it sounds, pretty much anything in the world can double as an entirely different thing because of a phenomenon called pareidolia.
Pareidolia refers to the act of looking at something, and initially seeing something other than what it actually is. Or perhaps you see it exactly for what it is, but see something entirely different within. Essentially, that’s your mind recognizing patterns or things you see in your everyday life.
Here are 20 photos of things that look uncannily like other things…
1. The brotherhood of buildings
This building was inspired by the architect’s severe attachment issues.
2. Every kid’s favorite Sesame Street character
I’d recognize those big googly eyes anywhere…
3. Tell me you don’t see the dog in this wooden plank
That’s the face my dog pulls when he’s eaten something he shouldn’t have…
Unfortunately, when you see “faces” in everyday objects, it’s never an attractive face. I’d love to cut an apple in half and see Ryan Gosling staring back at me. It just never happens…
The post 21 Everyday Objects That Are Grade-A Dopplegangers’ In Disguise appeared first on Viral Thread.
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