19 Things You Will Never Get If You Are Less Than 17 Years Old

Although I’m extremely glad to have left my awkward teen years behind me, in some way, I’m a little envious of the youngsters of today. Although I wasn’t exactly short of things to entertain me or influence my childhood, I do wonder what it would be like to be 15 or 16 years old in the golden age of Snapchat, YouTube or whatever on earth a live stream is. That being said, I’m sure there are teenagers who wish they were five or six years younger.

Growing up in the 90s and 2000s was definitely what you would call a… unique experience. You had the beginnings of the social media boom, some classic cartoons and television shows, and most of the music produced during that time is pretty hard to top. You youngsters out there born in the year 2000 or later, have got a lot to learn. Here’s what you missed out on.

1. The VMA Awards are always full of drama, but not even Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift could beat this 2003 moment

2. Everyone had an utterly embarrassing Hotmail account

3. You’ll probably never understand the ubiquity of the phrase: “Hello Moto!

4. Every item at Abercrombie and Fitch had this ridiculous musk to it that just would not. Wash. Away

5. Over-the-shoulder bags were all the rage. I still use one today!

The post 19 Things You Will Never Get If You Are Less Than 17 Years Old appeared first on Viral Thread.

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