14 Aug 17 Pictures That Show The Living Nightmare That Is Being Left-Handed
Some of you may wonder why we even have a International Left-Handers Day (which was earlier this week). But for us right-handers it’s easy to forget about the 10 per cent of the world’s population who whose primary hand is their left. 10 per cent of 7.5 billion is still a lot of people who have to get through their day with instruments designed without them in mind.
There are plenty of important people in history who have been left-handed, from Aristotle and Leonardo Da Vinci to Albert Einstein, Jimi Hendrix and Barack Obama. But each of them had the same struggle that any left-hander does, and would likely find the following photos unbelievably relatable.
1. The answer is right in front of you
2. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before
3. There’s some definite bias here
4. Some common responses
5. This is plain dangerous
The post 17 Pictures That Show The Living Nightmare That Is Being Left-Handed appeared first on Viral Thread.
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