25 Jun 17 Memes Where Millennials Fight Back
Millennials are the butt of many jokes and the receiving end of a stupendous amount of criticism from older generations. While there are definite quirks to the generation, its lack of a clear definition and the myriad problems they have to deal with leaves things a little more complicated than some may think.
As the internet has grown up with them, millennials have banded together and used it as a weapon – a tool to express their frustration with the bad hand they have been dealt, and strike back against those who call them lazy and entitled. Along with these biting remarks inevitably comes some levity, as the young generation find a hilarious outlet for this anger.
1. The luxuries of youth
2. Vanity predated the selfie
3. We’ve all met a Janet or two
4. It’s worth a try
5. Awkward dinner conversations …
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