17 Kids Talk About Being Medicated At A Young Age

Whether it is mental illness or a physical ailment, treating yourself with medication is never easy. It’s hard to communicate exactly how you are feeling to your doctor, and it’s scary leaving it up to them to decide the specific pill that will help you along. In some cases, you will have to try out different types of medication before you get it right, with adverse reactions and side-effects not being apparent from the outset.

All this is bad enough when you are an adult, but for a child, it can be even worse. You lack the experience to accurately explain how you feel, so your fate is left in your parents’ hands, who may not totally understand what you are going through. Speaking to Whisper, these children have opened up about what it has been like being medicated at a young age.

1. No longer knowing themselves

“I was diagnosed with OCD when I was 8. I’ve been taking pills ever since. I feel like I don’t even know what my real personality is. I’ve never met it.”

2. Hard to tell what’s working

“I’ve taken pills for my crippling allergies since I can remember. Sometimes I wonder if I’m even allergic to stuff anymore.”

3. Have seen nothing else

“I don’t know life without my depression medication because my parents put me on it at a young age. Does everyone feel this empty?”

4. It can cause fear

“I was diagnosed with ADHD, at a young age. Took medicine for it. After that experience I am scared to take any.”

The post 17 Kids Talk About Being Medicated At A Young Age appeared first on Viral Thread.

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