09 Jan 17 Hilariously Awful Things People Did To Their Vaginas In 2017
Vaginas have been around since the beginning of humankind and, well, they’re pretty darn spectacular! They have thousands of nerve endings meaning that they’re highly sensitive to pleasurable sensations. And let’s not forget that babies are somehow born out of them every single day. Plus they’re all incredibly diverse and beautiful in their own ways.
Unfortunately, some people take their “lady gardens” for granted and do some truly terrible things to them in order to perfect the way they look, smell and feel.
Here are the most outrageous things women did to their most intimate area in 2017.
1. Putting makeup sponges up there
Getting your period is difficult and inconvenient in many different ways. And when you’re bleeding down there, usually the very last thing you want is to get some action between your legs. However, this certainly doesn’t apply to everyone; some people will find ways to get around the bleeding so that they can have sex with their partner.
However, contrary to what the website Lifehacker.com says, putting a makeup sponge in your vagina is not the way to go. And why’s that? Well, it’s made of polyester foam, a material which could upset the natural balance of the yeast and bacteria that live in the vagina. In the worst case scenario, it could even lead to toxic shock syndrome.
2. Getting surgery to perfect your camel toe
Considering how widely available naughty material is and also taking into consideration the fact that many female adult stars have surgery to “neaten” their labia, it’s very easy to feel insecure about the overall appearance of your own vagina.
Confused? This video will help explain a lot (it certainly helped me…):
And we’re not just talking in the flesh here. Some women fear that in a tight pair of pants or leggings, the natural shape of their vajayjay will visible. In some cases, these women will get labiaplasty in the hope that it will make their privates look more appealing in their day to day lives.
3. Blow-drying after sex
For some bizarre reason, some online publications will list vag-hacks which are clearly not backed by any scientific evidence. For instance, some state that blow-drying one’s nether regions after having sex, is the best way to eradicate the unhealthy bacteria that live there. And that is entirely untrue!
Blow-drying your body’s most sensitive area is actually more likely to kill off the good bacteria that set out to protect your vagina, which could ultimately lead to getting an infection down there. Ouch!
4. Cucumbers as cleansing products
Contrary to what a number of people think, the female genitals are not naturally dirty. They can have a pungent smell and it is common for discharge to occur throughout the day. However, this does not mean they need any extra cleaning.
But there has been a recent online trend whereby people have start peeling the skin off cucumbers and putting it inside themselves in a bid to freshen up their vulvas.
Please do not try this – your reproductive organ is self-cleaning, and leaving cucumber peels inside for too long could lead to a painful infection.
The post 17 Hilariously Awful Things People Did To Their Vaginas In 2017 appeared first on Viral Thread.
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