19 Jun 16 Things Women Will Never Publicly Admit to Doing
We all do things in the privacy of our own homes that we’d rather our friends and contemporaries didn’t know about.
Whether questionable hygiene habits, a particularly exuberant dance to your favourite song, or some strange dietary choice or other, there are some things in life that should just remain unsaid, under the radar, decidedly not for public consumption.
In the filtered world of Instagram snaps depicting perfectly manicured nails and delicately assembled breakfast bowls, there is no place for the less appetising portions of existence, but that does not mean that they have ceased to exist.
Because everyone could do with remembering that life is not all cappuccinos and sunshine, then, here are some things that women will never publicly admit to doing. Ever.
1. Not knowing when your bra was last washed
2. Peeing in the shower, everyone does it, right?
3. Oh and picking your nose, that’s a thing too, yeah?
4. Using dry shampoo for days on end. Those extra minutes in bed are so worth it
5. Wearing the same gym outfit several days in a row
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