21 Jul 14 Times Social Justice Warriors Took It Way Too Far
Whilst living in a culture of strict political correctness has both its advantages and drawbacks, in recent years, social justice warriors have seemingly taken offence with everything. The quest to not offend anyone, whilst being a worthy goal, is undoubtedly an unachievable one. Certainly, punishing people for innocuous comments is not the best way to go as it has created a culture where people’s language is policed. Users of the web have found themselves having to moderate their wording and opinions on social media platforms such as Tumblr and Twitter in fear of being “dragged” by one of the many social justice warriors who live in search of “insensitive” jokes and remarks.
In fact, many of the things that social justice warriors take affront with are not necessarily offensive to them, per se, but to other groups that they have taken it upon themselves to protect. Now, I am not saying that we shouldn’t be aware of the struggles that minority groups such as the LGBTQ community face on a daily basis, but the modern day, viral iteration of being politically correct can go to ridiculous heights. I mean, just take a gander at these examples below:
1.When social justice warriors decided that men flaunted their privilege… by going on walks
2. They told Tyler Oakley off for campaigning for equal rights
3. Nothing is safe for them
4. Children experience discrimination too, you know!
5. Is anything ever enough?
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