13 Incredibly Powerful Photographs Which Prove That Women Are Basically Superheroes

When we picture a superhero, we usually picture a guy in a tight costume, with perhaps a nice, majestic-looking cape to go with it. We imagine someone ripped and handsome, with brains as well as brawn. And a perhaps a devoted sidekick that only serves to make the main hero look all the more powerful.

Okay, so I’m not exactly well-versed in the world of comic books, but that’s what I assume is the “typical” image that comes to mind when most people think about superheroes.

But what if the concept of “superpowers” was not so much about supernatural abilities, but more about being able to achieve incredibly difficult feats that are seemingly impossible for any human to accomplish.

What if it was about being able to achieve something phenomenal, against all odds, in this world rather than in some fantasy world? And what if, for instance, it was about being a pioneer in an impressive field or being able to achieve multiple things simultaneously?

By the way, you might want to check out this incredibly inspirational project which has seen kids with various illnesses being turned into “superheroes”:


And what if the people we celebrated for achieving these feats were women? Because, as it turns out, women have a whole bunch of “superpowers” – as proven by science – and here are just a few of them:

1. Multi-tasking 

Some people say women are talented multitaskers because they have an incredible ability to drown out interferences during particular activities. And as shown above, it would appear that being able to breastfeed while putting on makeup is part of a woman’s multitasking repertoire.

2. Being both a commander of a space shuttle and a doting mother

The incredible and inspirational Eileen Collins was the very first female pilot and first female commander of a space shuttle. In 2006, after a 16-year long career, she left NASA with the intention of spending more time with her husband and two children.

3. Not letting bullies defeat her and persisting with her dream of saving the planet

Nadia is an incredible young woman. She started collecting trash on the route from school to home, and in no time at all, she managed to pick up more than two trash cans worth of plastic. Her classmates were not impressed, however, and began taunting her, calling her “Trash Girl”.

Now she has an actual fanbase and a Facebook support group to her name. Plus her very inspired fans also made her into a cartoon superhero.

4. Always making sure you look beautiful

The thing about beauty masks is that they have to be left on the skin for quite a while. However, beauty mask-wielding women will never let this get in the way of their day-to-day routines even if that means wearing one while playing computer games or looking after a baby.

5. The miracle that is pregnancy 

Carrying a child and giving birth are some of the most incredible “superpowers” that exist in this world. The photo above was posted by a Spanish blogger called Laura and it was taken just four days before she gave birth to twins.

6. Being a record-breaking polar explorer and mother to four kids

Ann Daniels is a testament to the fact that people can do pretty much anything they put their mind to. What she has achieved in her life is nothing short of spectacular. Daniels is, in fact, the very first woman in history to reach both the North and South Pole.

And you know what makes it even more impressive? The fact that she took part in her first polar exhibition without any prior experience and when her triplets (yes, there were three of them) were only 18 months old.

If you haven’t yet seen Meghan Markle’s inspirational UN Women speech, what are you waiting for?


7. Crashing both cars and computers in a driving game

Okay, this isn’t so much a superpower as it is a flaw, but bear with me. So research indicates that women are more likely to fail their very first driving test and often admit that their (male) partner is the better driver. And, unfortunately, this fact appears to apply even when the car isn’t a real one.

But researchers are also agreed on the idea that women are generally more intent on maintaining road safety and are far more careful drivers.

8. Dedicating your life to being a real-life Spider Woman

This insanely impressive woman is from a small town in West Africa and her superpower is her ability to climb cliffs and walls and making it seem like a walk in the park. It’s actually as adorable as it is impressive considering she learned her climbing skills from her pet monkey, Georgie, when she was a kid.

She is now retired from professional competitive rock climbing but continues to give motivational speeches on the activity.

9. Running marathons in heels

We all know that heels are horrendously uncomfortable. So the last thing you’d want to do is wear them in a race, right? Well, not according to former ballroom dancer, Irene Sewell. She set a marathon Guinness World Record by running 26.2 miles in stilettos. Plus she finished the race in seven hours and 28 minutes.

10. Keeping fit while having a small child to tend to

Yoginis everywhere are rejoicing – you don’t have to give up on what is essentially a way of life just because you have a little baby to look after.

11. Mother and child yoga classes

Mom and baby yoga classes are steadily increasing in popularity. So guys, it is possible to work out even when you have a little baby.

12. Did you know that morning sickness saves lives?

Yes, morning sickness is not one of the most fun parts of pregnancy but it actually serves an incredible purpose. It’s a defense mechanism which protects the expectant mother and her unborn child from parasites and harmful toxins found usually in meat and fish.

13. Women aren’t stronger than men?

At 21-years-old, Julia Vins has taken the world by storm due to her stunningly delicate features and outrageous muscular frame. Proving that strong is beautiful, this Russian “Muscle Barbie” has amassed over 820K followers on Instagram, and each day proved that woman are indeed as strong as men.

The moral of the story here is: never underestimate a woman and what she is capable of achieving! Or a man for that matter. Basically just don’t assume anyone isn’t capable of doing the unthinkable!

The post 13 Incredibly Powerful Photographs Which Prove That Women Are Basically Superheroes appeared first on Viral Thread.

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