23 Aug 13 Coma Survivors Reveal The Truth Behind Being Trapped
Waking up after a coma is an experience that a tiny minority of people have. We can only imagine how scary the very first few moments after waking up are. When the reality hits you, and you realize you were moments away from succumbing to an awful illness or terrible fall, everything changes…
However, if we’ve never experienced being in a coma, we’ll never really know what it’s like. After all, the possibility of knowing someone who has survived something severe enough to land them in a coma is unlikely. Here’s what it’s really like to be unconscious for days, weeks, months, and maybe even years…
1. The Mario theme song seemed to be playing on a continuous loop during this survivor’s coma…
”I was in a medically induced coma a few years back for around a month or so. There was no ‘waking up’ phenomenon. One day I remember some flashes of light. Next day a few minutes. Etc. I was so beyond messed up on drugs they were giving me that I was hallucinating.
I had no idea what was going on for at least a week. For example, I was convinced the heart rate monitor was playing the Mario theme song, and they had brought me Mario to play. The nurse wasn’t happy after I kept asking to play.”
2. This woman’s coma made her so forgetful that she thought she was still with her high school boyfriend…
”I was in a coma for a week after being in a serious car accident. I suffered 2 months memory loss from the day of the accident, multiple broken bones, fractured skull, broke my jaw and fractured most parts of my face. I woke up in ICU extremely confused and crying and thinking I was still dating my high school boyfriend, and I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t with me.
But what I do remember from the coma was that I was standing in a white room, it felt like I was waiting for something, but I didn’t know what. But the worst memory was when I was still in a coma, and I could feel people hold my hand, and I could feel the nurses bathing me, but I couldn’t move or open my eyes, I just couldn’t do anything, and it was terrifying!”
3. Imagine waking up from a coma and having no recollection of how old you are…
”When I ‘woke up’ from the 2 month coma I was scared. There was a Happy Birthday banner on the wall of the hospital so the first thought that came to my mind was. ‘What happened to me?’ The 2nd question I asked myself was, ‘How old am I?”’
4. Imagine being a vulnerable six-year-old in a house fire and waking up days later…
”When I was 6, I was in a house fire. I remember going to bed the night before, then I must have passed into a coma from the smoke inhalation because apparently the fire happened in the room I was sleeping in. My first memory of waking up I remember thinking everything was normal, and I had no idea that I had missed anything. Then I found this huge box of get-well cards and pieced together that I must have been under for a while.”
5. This survivor’s coma was so surreal, it might as well have been a scene in a movie…
”When I was 16 in 1998, I was in a coma for 3 days, I think. I’m from New York, but was spending 3 weeks on the Navajo reservation in Arizona. Sometime during week 2, I got sick, and ended up having 2 seizures. I was helicoptered to a hospital in Flagstaff.
When I woke up from my coma, I recall it being sort of like the scene from E.T.; I had tubes on/in me, I sat up in bed and started pulling them off of me. My parents, who had flown in [were] scared to death I’m sure [but they] calmed me down, which wasn’t too hard. I don’t remember much of the next few days. Apparently I read the same newspaper 3 days in a row.”
Imagine being in a situation where your hallucinations are relentless – it would be like never being able to wake up from a nightmare! Well, this next survivor experienced just that…
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