28 Jul 12 Times People Avoided Disaster By The Skin Of Their Teeth
Every time some bad happens to us – like when we step in a dog turd, or have a seagull pop on us, or our wallet stolen – it’s easy to wonder why these disasters always happen to us, and bemoan our perennial bad fortune. “Why,” we ask “is my life like a slice of toast that always lands butter-side-up? Do I have bad Karma? Is someone out to get me? Does God have it in for me?”
But in the midst of all this whining, you’ve almost certainly forgotten about all the times that you managed to successfully avoid peril, embarrassment and injury.
Occasionally, Lady Luck smiles upon us and shows us her favour, and we’re granted a brief reprieve from all the chaos and calamity of life. Sometimes, when you think about the odds after surviving something mortally dangerous, the numbers involved can be absolutely mind-boggling. It’s like they won the lottery twice in a row, or discovered plutonium by accident. If you don’t believe me then scroll down to check out some of the most unbelievable examples of people who managed to barely avert a complete catastrophe.
1. Thrown into the path of a bus
2. No smoke without fire
3. Almost dropped his gum
4. When your brakes fail at the wrong moment
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