06 Nov 12 Non-Sexual Things Guys Love About Having Sex
Guys love sex (who doesn’t?), there’s no denying that! A lot of girls think men just want to get right to the point of doing the deed and that’s that. But as it turns out, there are a lot of non-sexual things about sex that men love, too!
Men are so much more than animalistic sexual beasts that the media can often portray them to be. People often forget about the emotional and loving side men possess.
Check out some of the other unexpected perks men enjoy about getting it on in the bedroom:
12. Post-sex sleep
She wants to cuddle but he’s fallen asleep. It’s a classic situation, but after working off some stress under the sheets and now feeling totally relaxed, who can blame him? Guys feel tired after sex, and the sleep that comes after is nearly as good as the sex itself!
11. Food after sex
Everything tastes better after sex. It just does. Take a wander down to the kitchen and forage for some leftover lunch or a scoop of peanut butter. For some reason they just seem to have ten times more flavour after a little romp in the bedroom. Even that week old hotdog casserole that Mom dropped off is guaranteed to seem appealing.
10. It’s a workout
Okay, so there aren’t any sex athletes out there, but it totally feels like having sex just used up a lot of calories, right? Turns out it didn’t really, but as long as gets rid of the guilt for skipping the gym, that’s all that really matters.
The post 12 Non-Sexual Things Guys Love About Having Sex appeared first on Viral Thread.
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