06 Mar 12 Hilarious Pictures Of Pets Who REALLY Did Not Want To Go To The Vet
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard of anyone owning a pet that enjoys going to the vets. Sure, companion animals enjoy the company of us humans, but when they are unceremoniously poked and prodded by a stranger in a white coat, it’s easy to see why they get annoyed.
Even if they’ve only been to the vet once, they will never forget the experience. The moment you have to take them there again, as if by telepathy, they know – and they do absolutely everything in their power to avoid it, even if that means going to extreme lengths to hide from you.
Check out the video below of a cat that got so upset by the vet he began to growl like a dog:
Here are 12 snaps taken by bemused owners who found their pets hiding in some pretty creative places to avoid to the vet…
1. If I crouch down low enough, they will never see me…
Let’s just hope that no one turned the tap on while that cat was in the sink.
2. Please, mom, can’t we just go to the park instead?
The fear in their eyes is heartbreaking!
3. Where there is a will, there is a way…
I hope for this cat’s sake that someone was able to get it out this very tight spot.
For most cats and dogs, their first experience with a veterinarian involves having vaccinations. Because these involve short and sharp pricks to their skin, it instills a fear that never leaves them – no matter how much time has passed since they were last in a veterinary surgery.
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