15 Jun 10 People Share Their Real-Life Camping Horror Stories That Will Give You Nightmares
However much you love nature or hiking, you have to admit – the woods are pretty creepy. Especially at night. There’s something about the tall trees, the rustling of unseen wildlife and the absence of civilisation that can give you a serious case of the heebie-jeebies.
As if that wasn’t enough to freak you out before you head out into nature for a walk, you should listen to these creepy stories from real hikers and backpackers from across the country.
1. Cabin in the woods…
“I was hiking in southern Virginia and came to a shelter. At this point it was about an hour until sundown, and two other hikers had already set up camp and gotten a fire going. So, I decided to sling my tent up and make some dinner (I never sleep in those funky shelters.)
“Anyway, at some point I notice that there is a guy in the far back corner of this shelter. It looks like he is sitting facing the wall, but it’s hard to tell with him being in the shadow of the corner. I didn’t think much of it, I was hungry. So I’m sitting there munching on my shitty re hydrated dinner as the sun is going down. As my eyes began to adjust to the darkness I glanced over towards the shelter, and suddenly realize that I can see the whites of the persons eyes in the shelter. This dude had smeared soot from the firepit all over his face and body, and had been sitting in the shadows watching the others hikers and myself the entire time.
“I tried to stealthily let the other hikers know what was up, and gtfo of there. I walked a few miles further down the trail, and then cut to the side and hiked about a mile off the trail before I felt comfortable setting up camp.”
2. The cage
“I was hiking in the mountains in Missoula, Mt. and came across a cage. Not like a trapping cage or anything but something that could easily hold 5-10 average sized people. Took maybe 45 minutes of walking, mostly uphill and without a path, to get to the spot. Round steel bars for the edges and rope instead of chain link for the walls and ceiling. It was all set up just on the far side of the ridge line I was walking, so it couldn’t be seen I suppose. Nothing around it, no foot prints or tire tracks or anything. The rope looked undamaged as well. No idea what it was for but it definitely creeped me the f*ck out.”
“The weirdest thing I ever found hiking was a kid sized teenage mutant ninja turtles backpack and sleeping bag. They looked like they had been there for several months at least. The bag was full of THOUSANDS of packs of matches, and the deed to a house in Washington state. This happened in Maryland.”
4. “Look behind you!”
“I’ve been geocaching in the woods many times, and occasionally one runs into caches with weird things in them. The creepiest was an ammo box with only a handful of finds that contained broken doll parts and a handwritten note that said ‘Look behind you’. I definitely had the heebie-jeebies and double-timed it back to my car despite it being the middle of the day. It’s crossed my mind before that geocaching would be a great way for a serial killer to lure people out to remote locations.”
5. Snapshots at night
“This happened to the friend of the sister of someone I know. (Close enough chain of acquaintance that I believe it, but not so close that any of you are going to believe it). Anyway, this woman was hiking alone, and although she observed nothing overtly wrong during the hike, she had this vague sense that someone was nearby and perhaps trailing her. She made it home okay and then developed the film in her camera. Every night she was on the trail, someone had sneaked into her camp and taken a picture of her while she was sleeping.”
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