28 Jul 10 Health Drinks That Are Seriously Disgusting
I’m going to take a wild leap here and guess that you’re a little sick of hearing about health food trends. For years we’ve been bombarded with hype about health tips that couldn’t possibly be as life-altering as people make them sound. We read headlines about this new fruit that is going to give you a six pack and that new superfood that is going to turn you into Jennifer Aniston, and sometimes we even buy into it. I felt personally victimised when my acai bowl phase didn’t end in me being recruited by Victoria’s Secret to be their newest angel. (For those of you who have never heard of acai, it’s probably the blandest type of berry you can find in the fruit aisle).
The problem with these health trends is that they set everyone’s expectations irreversibly high. Sure, maybe all of the acai that I ate that month upped my antioxidant levels to heights my body had never before seen, but when I didn’t suddenly look like a human-turned-gazelle, I was (unjustifiably) disappointed. My only solace was that acai bowls turned out to be more delicious than I expected, which cannot be said for many health food trends. So let’s just be honest with ourselves, eh? These 10 health drinks taste like rotten mulch or worse, and even you health gurus out there can’t deny it:
1. Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera juice is a fairly new phenomenon, and is apparently good for your skin, immune system, digestion, and more. Unfortunately, it tastes like someone added 12 packets of sugar to diluted drain cleaner.
2. Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass shots took every juice and smoothie shop by storm, boasting of cancer-preventing powers that come from its high levels of magnesium, calcium, and other vitamins. And if you enjoy the flavour one gets from chewing on freshly mowed lawns, then this is certainly the drink for you.
3. Chia Seed Drinks
Chia seeds are known for their energy-boosting properties, and supposedly once kept Aztec warriors full for 24 hours in a row. It’s too bad that when you put them in a liquid it tastes (and looks) like you’re drinking pulpy bug water.
4. Chlorophyll Drink
Yes, chlorophyll is that dark green pigment found in plants that you remember learning about in the 8th grade. As it is essential for photosynthesis, when drank diluted with water, it apparently improves oxygen flow and increases energy. It also tastes like pool chlorine that dirty children have been swimming in all day.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is know for its ability to improve weight loss and lower blood sugar levels. The vinegar is too strong to be drank on its own, so it is usually diluted with water, although this does little to mask the taste of rotting acid that one experiences on the first gulp.
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