10 Gross Stories That Will Make You Feel Better About Yourself, But Also Want To Puke

When we shatter our phones while out at the bar, or step into a massive puddle on our way to work, we often feel like we are experiencing the worst day of our lives. If that is how you feel, then you should be thankful for the fact that your life is good enough that those are the worst things that happen to you. The same cannot be said for these people, who have experienced the absolute trenches of bad days.

Read these 10 vile stories and remember just how lucky you are. Warning: do not read if you have just eaten, have food in front of you, or have any plans to eat within the next hour. Or two hours. You’ve been warned.

1. The bug story of your nightmares 

“I was living in a pretty run down rooming house. I hadn’t used my blowdryer in a few months. When I finally did, I turned it on and a colony of a million cockroaches exploded onto my face.”


2. That honeymoon phase ended fast 

“While on our honeymoon, my husband and I wound up with a raging case of food poisoning. As fate would have it, we only had one bathroom – and we took turns on the toilet, while the other used the tub to vomit. Eventually, the time came when we both had to poop. Nothing says ‘love’ like seeing your brand-new spouse hang their butt over the side of the tub to poop while you’re puking your brains out.”


3. How does one move on from this?

“My friend had an accident on a BMX and the handlebar travelled up into the cavity behind his penis, splitting his ball sack. To make matters worse, once the doctors sewed his ball sack back up, it went septic. He bent over to pick something up and his ball sack split back open and a load of yellow foul smelling gore came out. Needless to say he had to go back to the hospital.”


4. Right, now I am never having children 

“About two months ago at work (I’m a preschool teacher) a 4-year-old boy told me he was going to the bathroom. I said OK. Fifteen minutes passed so I went to check on him. I found him naked smearing his sh*t all over the wall, on himself, and then HE ATE THE SH*T OFF HIS HAND. I screamed.”


5. This is not even remotely okay 

“One night, a spider crawled up my shorts while I was sleeping and took a bite out of my vagina. I ended up with a severe staph infection and my entire woman area was swollen to the size of an orange.”


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